July 13, 2010

  • I had a strange dream last night…

    … It was like any dream really; a mesh of all things bizarre and random. Yet, somewhere in between the non-sensical storm patterns, my cousin riding around on a crotch rocket, getting attacked by swarms of bees, and a Somali man with a terrible growth on his foot,…something happened.

    In one part of the dream, I was wandering aimlessly around a school. Apparently, it was a place I used to go to school. I noticed I failed to recognize anyone, because I noted that I graduated college, so there was no need to be in a high school in the first place. … I simply gazed around, and noticed how everyone was younger than me, and nobody I recognized was around. I didn’t feel like I belonged here. I didn’t feel I had the capability to socialize with any of these people, moreso the girls. … I tend to know how I get when I see girls in my dreams.

    Anyhow, I wander away from the cafeteria and into the locker area. … Something about this place strikes a chord with me, and before I know it, there is a terrible pressure at my heart. It grows heavy, as deep emotion begins to channel through me. Yet, as I am standing there, I gaze around and recognize no one. I feel the desire to fall to the ground, curl up in a ball, and simply bawl out in sadness,… but I don’t. I remain standing. I refuse to show my sadness to anyone around me. I refused to express what my true emotions were. … As time drifted on, my internal sadness transpired into a desire to sing… to sing out or express myself musically in order to express the sadness in some creative facet. Yet, once again, as I am standing there, amongst a room filled with teenagers and young adults, I refuse all at once to sing aloud. I deny the desire to express myself in the presence of those I didn’t know, as if I somehow didn’t believe my emotions mattered in the end,… that no one really cares how I feel,… and therefore, I should not express myself, or explain myself, to anyone. I stood there, with a hole in my heart, evoked by some odd sudden compulsion, and I had decided that it was better for the emotions to burn a larger hole in my heart than to allow anyone to know about it. It was no one elses concern,… no reason for me to show weakness,… no one else deserved to be struck by my own negativity/ to carry my burdens,…. no one else wanted to deal with it,… nobody else wanted to divert themselves from their own pain and suffering,… and honestly,… thats all any and everybody was in this world of mine: … just a bunch of immature, overgrown fucking teenagers. …

    I am lying here, a half hour after my waking, and still my chest feels exhausted.
    Not recently has a dream invoked so much actual emotion. And even in my dream, I refused to confess to it.

    I have long wanted to express my emotions, and paint a picture of who I am to others.
    Yet somehow, despite locking myself away,… this dream does it perfectly.
    This expresses what is at the core of most of my problems. … Why I can’t express myself.

    I seem to carry this philosophy around with me wherever I go. Everybody for themselves, and are better off not knowing I exist at an emotional level.

    I feel I perform a service to people this way.


June 8, 2010

  • Its been a while since I’ve written anything on here.

    Things have been awesome, horrid, and as of recently, … boxed-in.

    THE AWESOME: I came back from China a month ago. It was perhaps the most amazing set of experiences in my life (thus far). The Chinese people are awesome, the culture is amazing, and my choirs performances received nothing short of standing ovation at the various universities we performed. I will never forget it!… as a matter of fact, I’m making it priority to go back someday soon!

    THE HORRID: Unfortunately, many flights means much ear pressure, and apparently, through some odd series of events, both self-inflicted and accidental, I somehow damaged my left ear. For a musician, damaging hearing is bad-news-bears. While most of my hearing has returned, I now have Tinnitus in my left ear (constant, unstoppable ear ringing). This took a great toll on my esteem during the 2nd week back. Fortunately, I’ve been taking Lipflavanoid vitamins which help stop ear ringing. They’re working.

    BOXED-IN: I’m back at my college dorm (summer housing), without a job, a limited amount of funding each month, not all that many people to socialize with this time around, and I have a CONSIDERABLE unrest in my mind to do something productive, go out and meet new people, and make life exciting. However, I look around and see the same damn things day in and day out. I don’t what to do. … I’m tearing myself apart. I feel like life is mattering to me less now that I’m not around as many people day in and out as I was when college was in full swing. … I’ve always had issues with ‘getting out there’ and ‘meeting new people’,….. but now, I don’t really have a choice. I have to do something, and muther-fucking Craigslist has almost run me dry. It is times like this that make we wonder why I don’t live in Chicago. … Or New York. …. Or BEIJING!!

    That sums up my recent developments.
    The awesomeness has faded, and trouble is brewing.
    How best to deal…

May 2, 2010

  • Destination: China

    Game, Set, Match!

    My senior year of college has finally come to a close, and I am (theoretically) graduated. … I say theoretically because while I did take part in the walking ceremony and all of that nonsense, I still have an additional semester of classes to enjoy, so I’m not completely leaving all at once. Its nice, because it cushions the ‘culture shock’ of suddenly going from 17 years of schooling annually, and being around people I know,… to NOTHING. lol

    There is really only one more thing yet to do. I guess you could call it a final. … My college choir is venturing to China tomorrow morning, and I’m going with them!


    KABLAAM! I’m so excited, and I’m going to be spending most of my day today packing things, and preparing my room for moveout. My roommate is supposed to take care of my things while I am away, and move it into our next room. I’m going to be taking plenty of pictures while in China. … The layover is going to suck however. Its a 13 hour difference. I’m going to be awake during sleepy time, and be asleep during wakey time. I think I’ll need some coffee for sure (especially if I plan on singing).

    Anyways, that is where I am going to be in the next 10 days.

April 22, 2010

  • Open a Window

    I find myself sitting at my computer, at the same time each night this week, and it seems it is lacking something.
    A stable channel of social activity.

    Connecting to other conscious entities has become a source for stimulation recently (online, that is), and I can’t seem to put together why I’ve gotten to the point where I suddenly have not a person to establish such with, because… well… everyone is OFFLINE. It seems to be my ongoing battle to keep my avatar in connection with others. I’ve suddenly found myself on a strange desert island, lacking intrigue, resonance, and thought provoking conversation.

    Hense, why tonight, my latest affirmation has a bit to do with ‘opening windows’.
    This is because, at the essence of this stimulation, what it is I am truly looking for is a thought-provoking source of intrigue that my apparent reality is not currently supplying me. I’ve been busy with school work, and other things that are important for this point in my life, but the truth is,… there is so much extra time between these responsibilities that does exist. Part of it is me not having the conscious energy to make use out of these spaces between tasks, but another part of it is that the flow of opportunities in my direction seem to be pushed back by (most likely) myself. Thusly, when it seems that the dullness of an idle well-being, … a time such as this one, … acts as the closed door to my vast room of knowledge, spirit, and material playtoys,… there must be a way to open a window and gain a breath of fresh air, and a new, thought-provoking atmosphere.

    On a lighter note, I’m going to China in two weeks.

    … still, two weeks is much to far away for me. If only there was something that could occupy that ‘between time’, and that could fulfill that empty spot on my mental schedule.

April 15, 2010

  • Glowing green (love poem)

    Glowing green, brightly from the chest

    It pulses out unto the universe

    A wave of longing and loving

    Desperate to shed tears of ecstasy

    And emotion


    Glowing green, exhilarating dreams

    Venturing my dimensional fourth

    A place of swimming and flight

    Dreamscapes built from the escape

    Of loneliness


    Glowing green, the mortal desire

    Void echoes the listless sound of space

    Heavy the soul with the unattainable

    Inadequate, a farsighted child

    Haunted singularity


    Glowing green, the affirmation

    Flames in twine, conjoining

    Purity of heart, and caged with lust

    If not forever, then just for a while

    For once,… complete

    (dedicated to a woman … beautifully clothed in robes of non-existence)

April 3, 2010

  • Guardian At The Door, NPM day 3, EBC #8

    Daylight comes
    in slumber it rests
    oh, my guardian at the door.

    Children run
    birds flock from their nests
    and yet the stone sleeps evermore

    Soon the sun
    once again shall set
    the darkness beckon at the shore

    Stonework crumbs
    awaken my pet
    and be free from the stones you wore

    Vocals grum
    in echo addressed
    my beloved gargoyle does roar.

    Winged one
    shall leap from its nest
    and rocket to the sky, it soars

    Night is young
    there is time to fest
    at heights above the forest floor.

    The winds hum,
    the beast flies fearless
    to search the darkness it implores

    Figures drum
    from far below its breast
    Something provokes the carnivore

    Thus they come
    the approaching guests
    with a wicked intent in store

    enter do the pests
    and shall my gargoyle ever wage war

    The air numb
    Stalking those who test
    The savage beast, the soulless core

    Ravage one
    ravage all, in zest
    their limbs and entrails, blood and gore

    Deathly fun!
    Shall my pet ingest
    the souls of men consumed in horror

    Fight is won
    laid in bloody mess
    now erased from the night before

    He is done
    Daylight ends the quest
    Now sleeping solid at the fore

    Rise the sun
    again shall you rest
    Sleep, my guardian at the door.

    Until the night beckons once more!

April 2, 2010

  • A Dream filled with Zombies, Horrors, and Evil Gods!

    (This,… is the summary of a dream I had a few days ago. Very few dreams come along that are so twisted and so intricate that I wake up, and about an hour later, while sitting in Religion class, the message of the dream hits me, and I have just linked another key piece to the gigantic jigsaw puzzle of my consciousness. Note that there is A LOT to this dream, and when you read it, you might start believing that I made this up,… that it is ‘too detailed’. … If you are anybody who knows what ‘dream recall’ is, and how to enhance it, you are not likely this type of person, but also know that this is NOT the original entry. My writing below is a dramatized adaptation. All events are the same, and all images are intact, but I feel that it might be best to summarize the emotion, thought stream, and my overview of the dream after waking and formulating it in my head. … Enjoy!)


    It begins right where it ends.

            I was running, … fleeing,… out amongst a large tarmac. It wasn’t clear yet what I was running from, but I knew I needed to get away. The area around me was similar to a gigantic prison/quarantine, filled with undead horrors, dead bodies, and abandoned buildings. I was attempting to climb a large metal link fence, when booming voices came bearing down from the sky. They spoke condemnations, that I had violated the nature of the place where I belonged. As the voices beared down, and I could see giant faces of powerful deities floating in the devilish skies (a mix of dark overcast, and red/amber glow), and they began speaking the most fearful things, as if I had performed the worst violation known to them; that was avoiding the fate of becoming the walking dead, and trying to escape my ‘just punishment’. The sight of  these deities were callous and evil.
            The center deity looked to be a large, red, sinister, robotic feline, with peering eyes. While it was not the most powerful, it acted like an emissary; one who speaks on behalf of the rest as an appointed judge. It begins to speak, as if formally reading my last rites. I try to flee from their sight, hiding amiss an small industrial complex, when it finally says something to the effect of, “You have no place to escape. Prepare to meet your terrible fate!”.  … The only  way I can describe the tension is as if you know a nuclear weapon is about to go off in five minutes, and you are trying desperately to get as much distance between you and the weapon as possible, and in the last minute, you hear klaxons sound, and you revert to trying as hard as you can to find cover, but you know deep down that you are about to be vaporized, and there is nothing you can possibly do about it. … It is after this final declaration that these deities call down destructive (almost nuclear) powers, as I tried to make myself hidden, and navigate through buildings. The nuclear/ungodly powers eventually rooted me out and destroyed me, leaving not a trace.

    This… is the end of the story. However, after it ends, time rewinds back to the beginning of the story, before all of this happened.

    Apparently, it began as one of those ‘naked’ dreams, and I was at some kind of family event where I was trying as hard as I could to hide the fact that I was naked, and not just my family, but my extended family. It was like a great family get together, and I was supposed to perform/sing some sort of song or something like that, but I convinced my mom to get me out of it, and I decided to abandon them and go with my cousin and my brother to the car, and just sit out there. My aunt Carol and other cousin Stacy came out not too much later, and got something out of their car. Carol looked at us suspiciously, and I hoped she didn’t think we were smoking weed in the car. It was about then that I found my clothes just beneath my feet, and I quickly donned them. Now with a reassurance of self, I got out of the car, and thats when I noticed it: and old man began zombie-walking in our direction, and it was at that moment that I realized things around me were changing. The zombie was accompanied by two others, and I backed away toward a concrete wall. I decided to hit the zombie with a random object, and unlike an actual zombie, it started acting humanlike for a short while, as if knocked out of a daze. The man said nothing but a very solemn and grim, ‘I am sorry, my friend’… as if saying that he couldn’t control what he was doing, and that after his moment of clarity, he would quickly turn back into a zombie in merely a few seconds. (As and observation from outside of the dream, one of the greatest motivations for striking zombies in any zombie movie is knowing that the person is not a conscious human being, and that this ‘scum of the earth’ should be eliminated. What make this scenario a bit more horrific in retrospect is that these people WERE human beings, but they were dazed,… unawake,… locked away in the  form of a zombie.) … This is when I began to dodge the on-coming of these people who were turned into zombies, and I fled from the place.

    I navigated away from the building, and had to dodge the attention of a lot of zombies going from alley to building, and the streets were sometimes littered with them. It seemed at this point that everyone was a zombie and nobody was ‘conscious’. Interestingly enough, I found a few living people along my trek at different places,… some lost, some wounded, some lost in their insanity. I could not help all of them, but there were some of them that I decided to forget about my own dodging and help them out of their own unfortunate situations. Yet, in the end, every one of them I knew would have died later.

    As I was travelling this large outdoor industrial complex, the skies began looking more and more evil, as the amber/red glow began to settle in, and it was here when I stumbled across a horrible, giant, zombie-like being, which looked very close to an abomination; a fat, large, gross carcass made from the limbs of other carcasses. Once it saw me, it roared, and charged at me at high speed. I narrowly dodged it, and began to run/go into hiding, but it would continue to pursue me, rushing in m direction and destroying any barrier I had between it and me. Each time I dodged it, it seemed to come closer to killing me. I began sensing the dread of the situation and decided that I have had enough! I needed to leave this wicked place once and for all. I ran, and dodged, trying to find an exit to this odd nightmare.

    This is where events from the first part of the dream catch up, and I am standing on the tarmac. I see the gigantic link fence with barbed wire atop. It looked like I was in a large prison, and as I ran toward it, and tried to mount, my attempt to climb and escape failed. Then, the deities appeared in the sky, in all of their terror and presence, and began to repeat their dreadful sayings. They began condemning me in booming voices, and spoke my final rites in their esoteric, ritualistic way. I decided once again that I would try to avoid them the best I could, but I knew that they were going to destroy me nonetheless. The ‘running from a nuclear bomb’ tension began once again, and metaphorical klaxons went off in my head, and I knew… I just knew I was a goner! The large feline speaks its piece one last time, and it is this time, I distinguish the face of one of the deities, … the most powerful and impending of all of them, the face of a woman, who looked a lot like Gabriel from Constantine, (as a side note, my roommate and I have this inside joke, whereas the actor who plays Gabriel goes by the name of “Dat one bitch from dat one movie!”, and the reason for this is because no matter what movie she plays in, no matter what part she assumes, she’s ALWAYS playing ‘some bitch in some movie’. … YOU know the woman I’m talking about! She played the ‘White Witch’ in Chronicles of Narnia? … THAT bitch! … If not, do an IMDB for Constantine, and look up Gabriel)

    At this point, more of the ending began to unravel. She said something in conversation to the other deities “Get on with it and destroy the insolent runner then!” … but alas, there was something different. Something radically different (or at least it simply was not revealed before). … You see, three of the deities (those to the right) spoke against it, and I realized to my astonishment that theirs were the faces of the people I helped along the way of my running! … Whereas they had most certainly assisted their fellow deities in the sentencing of me before, they now spoke out in my defense. They stubbornly refused to destroy me, and all the deities convened with each other right before my eyes. The three who were for mercy seemingly broke from the political grasp of the Gabriel-like deity. In scowling, the Gabriel-like woman began to scold, protesting to them in an authoritarian manner that I was to be punished, … and something just so managed to slip off her tongue that I was WAY too close to thwarting her ‘plans’ to let me live now! … It was apparent to me that all of the deities could be swayed by my actions except for one, and that was her. Apparently, my existence, and my trying to escape was a direct threat to her, and she wanted me gone, … and she wanted me gone now!

    The two deities not involved were still intent on keeping the command,… still under the political shadow of the one ‘bitch’ goddess. … and I realized that these two assumed the faces of people who I SHOULD have helped, but either couldn’t, or didn’t. All three who refused to help me (and were against the three who wanted me to live) unfortunately could not intervene,… for there was no majority rule between them.

    (On another side note, if I remember correctly, one of the deities in the sky, who was an older woman with green hair (snakes or vines?) has somehow assumed the title of ‘God’, and very unlike any just manifestation of ‘God’ that I know, it bared down eyes oppressively, and I received the notion that “it was very rude of me to look upon the face of God while it was exposed”. I didn’t yield however. I rather took this to some bigotry, and figured that this specific being wasn’t any ‘God’ I cared to let bare down upon me in any fashion.)

    It is here where the dream truly ends, and the lesson I took from it truly begins.

    My last thought in this dream was that,… if I had another chance, I’d find the rest of the people I was supposed to help, and redeem myself,… and thusly, thwart all of their wrath, and the agenda of the ‘bitch’ Goddess.


    The revelation that later it me about this dream was simple, compelling, and reassuring. You can definitely see where the direction of the dream is going. It is a lesson in ‘nature’. … One can only save himself from the wrath of things if he works toward saving those around himself. It is like ‘karma’. … In this world filled with ‘unconscious zombies’, and chaotic elements, and ‘the judgemental powers of nature that be’,… every individual self-less act will ultimately, in the progression of time, overturn the harshness of ones reality. If all is spent on escaping, and none on helping those who need help, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, … then there are little redeeming qualities in life; no human sacrafice to enable human redemption, down the progression of time itself.

    Of course, every one is enabled to their own opinion. This… is merely what I’ve derived from the dream.

    I bet there are many more things I can pick apart from this dream.

March 29, 2010

  • … before you look below,… yes, there is a point I am trying to make with this picture, and you are free to think it cheesy or less than clever.
    But bare with me…

    First, clear your mind.
    Look into the blank portion of this post, and let the emptiness wipe the slate clean.


    Now… how many faces do you see?


    I saw this picture at first and I only managed to notice the horses, but then the faces emerged from it.

    You will begin to notice that, if you look at it for long enough, and you look deeper, more faces will reveal themselves.

    The lesson for the day:
    Everyone sees the world differently, and everyone takes a different view.
    Some will see a few faces at first. Some will see all faces at first. Some will see no faces at first.
    Everyone’s reality is unique, and despite this, there will always be those who believe that theirs is the only answer,
    … that there ARE only *this many* faces, or there ARE none.

    This is called Exclusivism. It exists predominantly in religion and politics, and it is the notion that one persons take on the universe is superior to all others (holier than thou).
    Yet, when you stop the overbearing thoughts of a psychological, totalitarian conformity of belief (or in this case, the ‘set’ number of faces), you realize that the truth is the exact opposite.
    There is not ‘one’ static number of faces. …

    How many faces are REALLY in this picture?

    There is no one answer. The answer is however many you choose.

March 28, 2010

  • *sets them down, and walks away*

    Have you ever sat down during a random time late at night and felt somewhat empty, as if you needed something to fill a particular void that just seemed un-fill-able?
    I figure it may be a good practice for me to throw down my worries openly, and walk away from them for the time being… with the hope that they will echo across the universe and eventually correct themselves within their destined time-frame, whether it be by my own action, or the reaction of the universe itself. … These are:

    1) I have often had the tendency to share myself, … emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually,… with other people whom I believe would understand and empathize with me (rarely a person in real life. moreso, privileged online acquaintances), and I’ve given my time to dig into the worlds of other people to offer advice and knowledge, and simply link to another persons reality. That deeper connectivity with another human being helps define myself as well as possibly provide some significance to theirs… , but there is a particular emptiness that makes me think that I’m ready to take on a different engagement. … Its pretty typical for someone to rant about love and relationships, but I feel like I need a counterpart; someone who fits mutually with my own piece of this cosmic jigsaw puzzle, whether it be the longer of long-term relationships, or simply a well-matched fling merely meant to pass,… but ultimately, something that makes me better off in the end. Something I can grow from, and stand with pride. Something to pierce directly into my life and help define the ‘I’, without merely shaping me to the will or ego of another. A pathway toward greater stimuli; both endearing and empowering.

    2) I have always been a creative individual, and I’ve always had aspirations to accomplish countless things in life, artistically and influentially. However, most of my personal creative endeavors have not been fruitful as of late, and everything is either incomplete, uninspired, not even begun, or amiss confusion on where to go next. I don’t have any concrete ambitions, and no linear sight to accomplish anything, and I even find myself toying with creative endeavors that I know won’t yield any worthwhile creative product in the end. If there was anything I could ask for, it would be some sort of personal reprogramming,… the return of my once unstoppable ambition! The invocation of a need and deliberate desire to conquer my visions with the fierceness of a warrior, and the passion of a true artist. … Sometimes its simply a matter of mustering willpower and identifying with it,… but I feel blind. I simply have trouble ‘seeing’ when it comes to the greater scheme of things.

    3) In a more material sense, I have been caught in a dilemma. I need an affordable living-space to rent over the summer and into the fall. Something that I could share with a friend or two, and that could yield to what I’m looking for in a place to live. Hopefully in Minneapolis, so I don’t have to travel far to my internship place, my future job, or college. Something that I can take pride in, and I can establish a base of operations for any creative or personal endeavor I want to engage. … At the bare minimum, however, I just want a place to live that is close enough to these places and won’t agitate me for any major reason.

    4) The rest in a jarbolled (<— made up word) mess of this and that, to be greater defined when the time comes, but all in all, I desire growth. I desire to come closer to my ideal self, whilst not being conquered by ego, and living out a more fruitful spiritual path. There is something about being a ‘wanderer’ as far as spirituality is concerned that I enjoy, but it makes my path somewhat rocky. I don’t like dedicating to religions or specified paths. They can often be misleading. … Long story short, “Know Thyself” is not simply a phrase of wisdom, it represents a goal. I want to further embellish that goal.

    … So… there we are. My current plethora of issues is now carefully laid out on the table. I am no longer carrying their weight on my conscious, and I am temporarily free.
    Its time for me to walk away from them for the time being, and perhaps in time, let them manifest,… let them fly, so they can no longer be a burden, but a living breathing set of circumstances. A row of pending transformations.

    Fly my pretties! Fly! *cackle!*

March 20, 2010