January 17, 2012

  • Curses, and why they are idiotic.

    So, I am a strong advocate of the ‘power of will’, since it defines the prominence of psychic abilities, affirmations, and deciding what energies belong in your person and what does not. Along with the power on ones affirmative will, I also am one to believe that, on the other side of things, no one person deserves to be ‘cursed’ by anybody, for any reason, under any excuse or circumstance.

    And want to mention, out of context, that a young individual finding identity in a magic-based religion is admirable and understandable, but (say for example,… Wicca holds that to harm anyone will apply three fold against themselves) if such a young individual finds a pre-emptive or premature excuse to send one of these negative spiritual volleys in the direction of… oh… lets just say… my brother … then I find myself tied between repulsive anger, and petty amusement.

    It seems to be that people who equip such methods are those with little disregard to the resulting negative energy that is bound to boomerang back to them. … and a petty disregard for humanity in general, outside of their own little power-hungry world.

    The reason I am bringing this topic up is because I happen to have such a brother, misunderstood, and ultimately not intending to insult (I sense he is a star child as well) who seemingly got “cursed” by a “witch” over a petty and trivial conversation, and a petty and trivial comment. … The details behind the curse? Well, it was one of those “I’m not going to tell you what it is” deals. One of those ‘its irreversible’ deals. …

    The night he told me about the incident, I was only initially shocked,… but then I recalled my understanding of metaphysics, and I decided that that would be the night that I finally speak to him about what I believed spiritually,… and that the matters of such a ‘curse’ is a matter of ‘power of will’; that half of its potency is having the individual believe it is real. … but if he insists upon disbelieving the potency of the curse, and keeps progressing positive vibes into the world, then there is nothing much to worry.

    Yet, I feel I shared this idea with him simply to get him to stop worrying about it and remain positive.
    … I am unsure what the correct thinking on this subject is.

    On a side note, I have a friend (who is actually the girlfriend of a roommate) who I discovered possesses a voodoo doll of me, and a few others. If I recall correctly, there is no good that can be done with one of those things, and while I am under no negative relationship with her, it begs to wonder… why the hell does a voodoo doll of me even EXIST? …

    (I am unfortunately in one of those situations where, despite my absolute respect for witchcraft and Wiccans and things of an equal spiritual bracket,… I’m torn into thinking such unfortunate thoughts as “What the hell is up with all of these crazy teenage women!!? Certainly true Wiccans are not as reckless as this! Who really thinks a hex is going to solve anything!?”)

    Hense… I really wished to begin a conversation on the subject. Surely, neither I, nor my brother are the only ones who have been in this hot seat before. What are your opinions, experiences, and priorities on the subject?

Comments (7)

  • A few years ago, I had to seek a new residence as the lease I had was
    up and I did not want to renew, nor did I want anything to do with the
    criminal roommate I discovered her to be.  As I was seeking new
    residence, I happened to come upon a Haitian woman (who spoke English
    and French) who had two teen aged children who were born in the U.S. The
    moment I met Lucy (short for Lucien), I knew her background was voodoo
    as I picked up the spirits that remained behind from her voodoo
    workings.  Although she was not malicious, I know that she has gone to
    the ‘White Woman’ who is a High Priestess of Voodoo.  The interesting
    thing about Lucy was that she immediately picked up on the situation
    that had occurred without my saying a word.  She sensed what had
    occurred with my ex roommate although I simply made the statement that
    she was not trustworthy.  Lucy began telling me about the “White Woman”
    who can ‘fix’ the ex roommate situation for me for about $200.00.  LMAO I
    kindly thank her for her offer, yet I deliberately made the statement
    that I do not wish to have the Karma that such things create.  Although
    Lucy did teach me a great deal about working with her native plants that
    she has brought over from Haiti (like ditura and other plants that are
    technically harmful – and how to use them to heal).  One Ditura plant is
    poisonous, however, boiled for a certain time and sweetened with honey
    makes a great tea for PMS and cuts out the cramps!!!  While I was not
    happy that Lucy’s ghosts took my sterling silver rings (particularly my
    amethyst ring), I never fell into that trap. She taught me specific
    things (all good believe it or not.  Voodoo is actually very
    Christianized with all their Saints and such) about protection and
    safety from her perspective and tradition, yet I never fell into that

    Because I am a shaman, I have the ability to walk
    between the worlds of the physical realm we live in and other realms of
    spirits and entities.  I deal with both dark and light because that is
    what we do.  However, I have NEVER harmed anyone.  When I learned what
    my family taught me over the many years (I was initiated into Stregheria
    tradition when I was 16 by a paternal relative who was “strega” from
    Italy and I was taught the maternal Gypsy tradition when I was 17 – from
    Hungary) did include ‘curses’.  Yet because I have always known about
    karma and what does come back, I have always refrained from ‘hexing’ or
    cursing people. 

    In all my years of practicing what I have and
    what I have been fortunate to know and learn, I have only pulled out a
    ‘curse’ once – a few months back.  It was not an intentional curse to
    harm anyone.  What I did was take the intention and change it.  The
    situation that occurred for me to use such a thing – was due to the fact
    that someone used my name to cover their own ass while talking shit
    about someone else we know – in a very negative way.  A few days later, a
    Board member had approached me about the situation and what I
    supposedly said and after I explained that what I had just heard, never
    came from my lips for the only issue I had with the individual was that
    their ADHD was a bit frustrating when we had meetings but nothing
    major.  I noticed the person’s frown and realized that this person heard
    it from someone else.  So, I went home and pulled out my book of
    treasures and workings – and changed the ‘curse’ to weigh heavily on the
    culprits shoulders with guilt until their confession came forth.  It
    took about 2 1/2 months to come around, but I received an apology AND
    confession from the culprit.  Because I suspected it was this individual
    during the time frame, I simply watched and observed and realized that
    it was them.  Before the winter holidays, the entire situation had
    worked itself out.  This person assumed I would be angry and was very
    surprised when I wasn’t.  I handled things calmly and I told her I had
    my suspicions.  She was more disappointed in her own behavior as an
    adult, the dishonor and disrespect…I explained that her guilt and the
    anguish she experienced that led to the confession was all the
    punishment I needed.  I did forgive her because I do understand the
    moments of self preservation and panic amidst humanity because I
    understand how humans work.

    Now poppets are not good things at
    all…that means that the gf doesn’t like you or you have pissed them
    off.  There isn’t any other reason to make a poppet or voodoo doll. 
    Then again, curses are sympathetic magic.  To know that the roommate’s
    gf has a poppet – messes with your head.  Curses are meant to mess with
    people’s minds.  All one has to do is make it known that the other
    person is cursed, and that ‘victim’s’ does it all for them.  The mind is
    an amazing organ and can be a blessing or a curse if one lets it. 
    Curses are designed to mess with people’s minds.  The mind will then
    become fearful and when people stress, they become ill or anxious. 
    Panic attacks, bouts of illness…such things have been proven by our
    own government’s MK Ultra experiments and the PsyOps programs they
    worked on. 

    While I had a problem years ago with a ‘coven’ I
    belonged to, I have to admit they taught me so good things about myself
    and life and the workings of magick.  When I left because I did not like
    the ethics within the group as it had turned VERY negative, they
    attempted to curse me.  Sending demons is not nice and just as bad as
    ‘curses’.  It can bring bad luck to the target, however, they realized
    rather quickly that I was stronger and heading in a different
    direction.  They came to realize that I knew how to reverse their curses
    and send them back (simple mirror protection).  They didn’t appreciate
    it however, I did get an apology and confession before they vanished and
    finally left me alone. 

    What one can do is learn to protect
    themselves properly.  Anger is never a good thing to deal with and if
    someone is pissed off, human reaction is to curse someone, even if it is
    simply just profane language…these people believe they are entitled. 
    Yet ignorance has a great deal to play in working with ‘curses’ because
    most who do so willingly, are very angry negative and selfish
    individuals to begin with.  It is one thing to use one’s will to
    manipulate the energy and outcome of things and it is another to
    maliciously hurt other people in vengeance. 

    Personally, I had enough karma from my past lives to work out this time.  I sure as hell do not need more karma to deal with. 

  • I’ve been a practicing Wiccan/Witch for about 5 or 6 years now and I’m still learning about it to this day…anyway, I’ve never cast a curse on anyone that I hated or loved. A curse is not something to play with and that child that cast a curse on your brother will get the brunt of it before long. In our religion the rule is called the Law of Three or the Three Fold Law. 

    In other words if you do anything good or bad it will boomerang back at your three times worse of three times better. 
    I’m not very fluent with Voodoo but I do know that a poppet can be used for good and ill, it just depends on the caster and that person’s beliefs. Another thing the spell or curse will only work if the victim believes in it, so if your brother doesn’t believe it will work it will have only minimal effect. It will have SOME effect because the caster believes it will and has already sent that energy and action into the universe. 
    As for your question…no not every magic user uses curses. Its a huge no-no in the Wiccan ways, as for any other pagan practice I’m not sure. I can’t say yay or nay because I just simply don’t know. 

  • @Mistress_Vampirella - 
    What an intriguing set of stories about negative magic and curses you have to reflect on! =P … If there is anything I appreciate more, it is when someone is open to share these kind of experiences. I’m someone who enjoys reflecting upon the experiences of other as well as myself (mostly because, at my stage of spiritual development,… sensing a lot of raw energetic potential, but little in the ways of a set direction,… have only minimal experiences to reflect on).

    Indeed, my roommates girlfriend does possess a voodoo doll of me, but my relationship with her is a friendly one. … I sense that perhaps she simply is tired of people treading on her, and so she has them as ways of ensuring herself that she is not without some sort of resource to ensure her well-being if someone decides to really toy with her. Perhaps it is a source of confidence to overcome how vulnerable she feels? … I haven’t spoken to her about it, but this is how I figure she might find excuse to create such things. … Also,… she is the ‘cutesy’ type of girl who likes dolls in general.

    As I figured, however, and as is confirmed by what you suggested, that curses ARE designed to toy with ones mind, and are combated by counter-affirming (on top of other useful methods). Power of will. … And yes, the mind is an extremely powerful thing. If I were to dwell in the fear of a curse upon my health, the negative affirmation would make me ill on its own.

    … On a side note, I’ve always found the idea of Shamanism very appealing; the ability to walk between worlds and to tap into levels of consciousness an untrained human being would never experience. … I sense I’m heading more in a ‘Starseed/Lightworker’ direction (that is to say, if I had any direction to begin with. I’m kinda nowhere particular right now, … really looking for something to jump out at me, and wedge its way into my present lifestyle configuration. Part of it is that I am surrounded by the normal slew of semi-conscious individuals; lacking in any sort of counsel. …but I digress…)

    Thank you, Vampirella, for your wonderful insight!
    Can’t say that I’ve had much of it lately,… especially not on Xanga. Still trying to figure out the best place online to exodus to. =/

  • @TheWitchMother - I am aware of the Threefold Law, and while I am not natively Wiccan, I agree with it absolutely. … I’d say perhaps the ‘threefold’ part is a bit more of a poetic embellishment, but it is extremely similar, if not synonymous, with the Law of Attraction. … If you project positive energy and action out into the universe, the universe will replenish that energy by projecting it back to you. The same is said about negative energy. … Its an ideal that is reflected in so many philosophies and so many forms: … the Threefold Law, the Golden Rule, Karma, … all of which are basically a metaphorical (and metaphysical) Newtons Third Law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

    I sense the best idea is to allow my brother to continue to persist the curses lack of potency, and ultimately, its unimportance. Its not like he knows what it is, but its also not like it matters in the end when he can enjoy and appreciate his life in exchange.

  • In a way, you can say that the path that I walk is also that of a lightworker (yes I am also part of the ‘starseed’ group) as I have been told by several mentors and teachers of the metaphysical realm….and have had an interesting journey getting to the point I am at today.  It is not far from the direction you are heading in.  I am around if you wish to talk further in such regards.    

  • @Mistress_Vampirella - Thank you very much for your replies Vampirella!
    I might just take you up on that offer. I’m always willing to speak about spiritual or metaphysical things, or even about personal experiences. I know that we’ve spoken before, and that I’ve had you in my list of IM contacts before, but I don’t think we ever touched base much. … Or at least, as much as I presume we should have. =P You don’t happen to do IMing anymore, do you? (new computer, I have to create new accounts.)

    @TheWitchMother - By the way, thank you for taking the time ro reply. My offer extends to you as well. =P

  • @Pyronide - You are most welcome.  I enjoy interacting with those of sustanence, if that makes sense.  There are things unfolding that is beyond most human understanding because of its complexities and the fact that science simply cannot prove certain occurrences does not make spiritual or metaphysical happenings ‘fantasy’ or ‘figments of our vivid imaginations’ as oh so many wish to write off.  There are people becoming more aware, more ‘sensitive’ for a better term.  There has been an increase of energy so the chaos will also intensify, as will the introspection, reflections and changes in many lives – their choices will set things in motion, whether it be positive or negative…for it all unfolds for a purpose.  Hopefully people see the signs and learn the lessons.  ;)

    Yes, we have spoken before, however, its been quite some time since we last spoke.  I was in Florida at the time, working on music, and I believe you were in MN doing the same thing. lol  Life became very busy and consisted of a head spinning journey that landed me back out here on the West Coast after a bit of travel and business.   

    LOL Yes, I still IM those I like – as long as people catch me at the right time, that is. ;)   I’ll send my handle in a PM…

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